Saturday 23 January 2010

Bye Coco... it's been great

Conan O'Brien has ended his run as host of The Tonight Show, after a mere seven months in the hotseat. O'Brien took over the role of host in the summer of 2009 when Jay Leno stepped down and took an earlier slot with his 'Jay Leno Show'. But ratings soon began to slip for both the Tonight Show and the Jay Leno Show.

Rumblings of problems within NBC became public several weeks back, with a nasty battle airing all over the airwaves. The issue of O'Brien's hosting of the Tonight Show emerged following rumours that NBC affilates were threatening to pull the Jay Leno show from their schedules, due to the dismal ratings. Feeling trapped, NBC apparently decided to throw the decision to the public and allowed the nasty tit for tat battle to work itself out in the US media. Ironically though, both Leno and O'Brien remained professional throughout the mess, preferring to take shots at NBC rather than each other. However, it became increasingly clear as the weeks progressed that O'Brien was not going to emerge as the winner.

O'Brien agreed an exit deal with NBC on Thursday, gaining $30 million in his back pocket for this straining experience. His also made sure that his production team were well compensated. O'Brien was reportedly concerned his staff should be well compensated given that they had all moved themselves and their families from New York to LA just seven months ago. His deal paved the way for $12 million dollars to be divided between his 200 strong team.

Despite the ongoing negotiations this week, the Tonight Show proceeded, but with a sense that the end was very near. Celebs dropped to show support, but there was the added backdrop of the disastrous situation in Haiti as symbolic of 'real problems' outside of this entertainment bubble. Nonetheless O'Brien, Leno and guests of the shows have thrown a fair few jibes NBC's way. Thursday night guest Robin Williams got in on the act, telling O'Brien, "You've only been host for seven months, It's an annulment. Except you got screwed."

Tom Hanks, Neil Young and Will Ferrell joined O'Brien on his last night as host of the Tonight Show. Steve Carell of the Office joined O'Brien for an 'exit interview'. A clearly emotional Conan gave these parting words as the show closed at 12.30pm EST on Friday night;

'Making this choice has been enormously difficult.. I do not regret one second of anything'. Despite the extremely difficult time O'Brien has had at the hands of NBC in recent weeks he remained upstanding and professional, and most of all genuine;

'I've worked with NBC for over twenty years... I'm enormously proud of the work we've done together and want to thank NBC for making that possible'. He continued "this is the best job in the world, I absolutely love doing it ... I did it my way, with people I love and I do not regret a second. I've had more good fortune than anyone I know."

Getting increasingly emotional he urged fans of the show, especially younger viewers, not to be cynical stating 'Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen'.

Will Ferrell closed out the show with a singing/comedic performance, as Conan and the house band accompanied. Leno will resume hosting of the Tonight Show on March 1st. O'Brien is free to begin work at any network from September 1st, and early reports suggest he may move to Fox.

It remains to be seen whether NBC can recover from the disastrous publicity it brought on itself in recent weeks. While it's often said any publicity is good publicity, this might just prove to be the exception to the rule.

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