Saturday 29 November 2008

Buy Nothing Day

Today is Buy Nothing Day. Sounds odd? Well it's pretty simple really, just try to not buy anything today. According to organisers today is a 'day where you challenge yourself to switch off from shopping and tune into life; the rules are simple, for 24 hours you will detox from consumerism and live without shopping. Anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending!'

I quite like this concept of getting away from consumerism just for a day. The Celtic Tiger has made us into these possesion hungry spending maniacs. But now with the downturn (I dislike that R word) will we actually spend any less? It sounds easy in theory but can it be done? I suppose with a bit of advance planning it could be done. But I've already failed having purchased two bus trips, a half pint of milk, a newspaper and a bagel today. And it's only 2pm!

The concept of Buy Nothing Day appears to be cemented into the American psyche as the day after Thanksgiving (always a Friday). Presumably we use the nearest Saturday instead to capture it's full effect. Having just caught a snippet of the 2pm news, it would appear that the people sitting on the M1 just outside Newry in two hour tailbacks are not too excited about Buy Nothing Day.

Our economy needs us to spend every day right?!?! Check out the website at


Fergal Reid said...

THREE HOUR queues from traitorous Southerners to get into Newry yday, according to my taxi driver this morning.
I'd love to see Buy Nothing Day in DCU. We could call it Starve and Freeze Day.

Fiona said...

If we couldn't buy hot food at lunch we'd potentially die of hypothermia I think...