Tuesday 25 November 2008

Overheard in Dublin

If you're looking for a laugh, then hit on overheardindublin.com. It's a forum for Dubs to post anecdotes about other Dubs. Most of the stories come from conversations or comments overheard on the Capital's buses, trains, luas and streets. All of the stories are hilarious, but some are just side-splitting. Take this one for example:

''Was walking through Dunnes Stores with my 3 year old daughter last week and you could see the child was bored shopping with me. Suddenly she stopped in the middle of the store and said "Oh my god will you just buy something before I have a nervous breakdown!" Everyone started laughing at her so she got more annoyed and stormed out of the shop with me trailing after her''.

Check it out, it'll make you appreciate the wit of your fellow Dubs!

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