Monday 10 November 2008

Has the World Changed Again?

Just over seven years ago we claimed 'the world will never be the same again'. The fall of the twin towers on September 11th 2001 brought a whole new reality to the lives of those living the dream in the developed or so called 'first' world. No longer could we ignore the nastiness that went on in other parts of the world. Terrorist violence was now in our back garden. But more importantly it was now in the American back garden. That garden contained a pool, a jacuzzi, a bbq and certainly no space existed for the harsh reality that arrived that fateful morning. But since last Tuesday's momentus events I've been wondering has the world changed again? The US general public electing an African American to the role of Commander in Chief is one of those historic moments that is likely to never be forgotten. Unlike 9/11 it will be remembered for positive reasons. Hopefully in a decade we will look back and remember it being the start of something amazing.

Obama embodies everything that the world (outside of the US) looks for in a US President. But it took Americans a little longer to catch on to what makes a good leader. It is not someone who tops the 'beer vote' or is like you or me. As a colleague pointed out, do you really want someone just like yourself running a highly powerful country like the US? Hmmm, probably not. 11/04/08 will likely be remembered as the day the wheels started moving. 01/20/09 will be remembered as the day it all began and a new beginning gripped America.

Obama is the man for job, and luckily he appears to have most of the world behind him.

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